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checkbasbemeat xsl pt

  1. How to check if an attribute exists in a XML file using XSL

    Depending on the presence of the color attribute i have to process the values of the xaxis and yaxis. I need to do this using XSL. Can anyone help me in hinting me a snippet where i can check these...

  2. xslt - How do I check for the existence of an external... - Stack Overflow

    Ive found a lot of examples that reference Java and C for this, but how do I, or can I, check for the existence of an external file with XSL.

  3. html - XSLT How to check if XML Node exists? - Stack Overflow

    Xsl:otherwise>Nope<;/xsl:otherwise> <;/xsl:choose> <;/xsl:template> <;/xsl:stylesheet>. You could also avoid choose and use two independent if conditions: <;xsl:template match="Data/Records/Record"...

  4. html - XSLT How to check if XML Node exists? - Stack Overflow

    Xsl:otherwise>Nope<;/xsl:otherwise> <;/xsl:choose> <;/xsl:template> <;/xsl:stylesheet>. You could also avoid choose and use two independent if conditions: <;xsl:template match="Data/Records/Record"...

  5. xslt - Check type of node in XSL template - Stack Overflow

    Take a look at this answer here, as this should give you the information you need: Difference between: child::node() and child::*. This gives the following xsl:choose to test all the nodes, including the...

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