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leveillerxfi xsl pt

  1. xslt - XSL:FO Different list-item-label per level - Stack Overflow

    Try adding a parameter "depth" to both templates with a default value of 1. On each recursive call of "ulol" increase it by 1. Then you can query it inside both templates.

  2. xslt 1.0 - loop through a list of values / access... - Stack Overflow

    Xsl:stylesheet>. This is assuming each object is in one package only. I am stressing this because your input schema is designed to support a situation that contradicts this assumption.

  3. xml - Change output based on value in xsl:key in... - Stack Overflow

    I have a fairly large (270mb) XML file that I need to group, sort, and run multiple transforms on. Input XML: … I have the following requirements: Strip all Eligibility_Detail_Records that have a blank...

  4. xslt - XSL using index of node at any level - Stack Overflow

    and I have the following expression in xsl

  5. Overview of XSL Xpath and XSL FO (Beginner Level) - YouTube

    Overview of XSL, XPath and XSL-FO (Beginner Level) Presenter: Adena Frazer Gain a good understanding of the basic standards that form the foundation of DITA...


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