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messrsroct xsl pt

  1. xml - XSLT: <xsl:strip-space> does not work - Stack Overflow

    Using the xslt from the original question, a <xsl:template match="text()"><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/></xsl:template> should do the trick.

  2. SSRS XML reformating using xslt during export - Stack Overflow

    It would be very helpful if any body tell me what type of XSLT would required to reformat the XML data into another xml file. EDIT : step 1. Created xslt file using following code.

  3. xml - XSLT xsl:normalize-space() function not working - Stack Overflow

    And use xsl:apply-templates instead of xsl:value-of.

  4. Prevent XSLT replacing &#160; with &#nbsp; - Stack Overflow

    I am trying to use multiple XSLT files in a chain but first XSLT competely messes up the code as shown above. I was also using following code to allow me to work with &#nbsp; in the original HTML but I...

  5. xslt - xsltproc command line parameters using... - Stack Overflow

    Xsltproc --stringparam target cora_cmd gen-commands.xsl commands.xml.

  6. xslt - xsl:fo template match not firing on nested list - Stack Overflow

    I need to use a hyphen for the bullet on a nested list applying xsl:fo. I have two templates to match but only one is being applied. If I use just the first template, the outer list gets the template applied.

  7. fxsl - How to Trim in xslt? - Stack Overflow

    This transformation: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http


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