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prescelseseuf xsl pt

  1. inserting space in xslt - Stack Overflow

    If this is so, dont use spaces -- the brouser only displays one single space for a continuous sequence of spaces. Use nonbreaking space: &#xA0; So, instead of: <;xsl:text> <;/xsl:text>.

  2. xslt - XSL(T) current/previous/next - Stack Overflow

    For a side-effects free programming language like XSLT, knowledge like this would be a dangerous thing, I think (because people would start to rely on execution order). You can do use the following...

  3. xslt - xsl reference to external xsl file - Stack Overflow

    I use the xsl file to map some schemas in BizTalk and it would be more performant if I split it in parts, so I can re-use the parts. Anyway, dont mind the BizTalk stuff, how can I reference from my main xsl file...

  4. xslt - Is there a way to use the equivalent of rowspan... - Stack Overflow

    <;fo:table-cell number-rows-spanned="3">. Dont you just love how wordy XSL is?

  5. xslt - switch case in XSL - Stack Overflow

    You may use the if condition. <;xsl:if test="expression"> ...some output if the expression is true... <;/xsl:if>. Or choose, if theres more than one condition to check. <;xsl:choose> <;xsl...

  6. xslt - Lowercase conversion in XSL - Stack Overflow

    Then you can convert to upper case: <;xsl:value-of select="translate($toconvert,$lcletters,$ucletters)"/>.

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