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thantodsc xsl pt

  1. xml - XSLT v1.0 - How to group uneven atributes? - Stack Overflow

    I am trying to implement a grouping using xslt on xml elements for attributes that do not really share any common value and i am not sure if i should use the muenchian grouping or not, although i already...

  2. xml - How to use xsl:use-attribute-sets properly? - Stack Overflow

    Well the text will be 16pt. No problems here. However IntelliJ constantly complains saying: What is it that I am doing wrong? Thanks. Edit: IntelliJ complaning annoys me so much, I would switch to a...

  3. xslt - how to align text and table data into center in xsl - Stack Overflow

    NOTE: the xml holds only the data which is to be placed in the table comes in pdf but the rest of the matter can statically added in the xsl file but i dont know how to align properly as i shown in the image...

  4. xml - How can I suppress identical footnotes with XSLT/XSL-FO?

    First of all, Im trying to create a PDF from an XML with help of XSLT, XPath and XSL-FO. I have an XML with multiple footnotes and I use a template to render them automatically after tag name "note".


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